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What to do in Hvar

Why did you choose Hvar? What made you buy the ticket for this piece of land in the middle of the Adriatic Sea and fly over half of the continent or world so you can come here? What attracted you, what do you expect, what do you wish for? Crystal clear sea, the grace of the sun and salt on your skin? Unlimited fun, fresh fish and seafood? Are you looking for something more?

Let us take you for a short journey around our beautiful island. Travel, discover, escape into a fairytale. Lose yourself in the incredible beauty of Hvar Island.

Natural heritage

The island of Hvar is the sunniest island in Europe. One look at the natural beauty of the island will make you feel like you’re in a magical fairytale. Crystal clear sea, numerous sand and stone beaches, sunny hills, exciting woods - Hvar has it all.

There are dozens of flat, hilly, or mountain bike routes overlooking the sea, offering you breathtaking views.

Hvar's highland is perfect for hiking, another more adventurous way of soaking up the sun. Along the hills, there are numerous wineries open for visit and wine tasting.

One of the island's other natural extraordinaries are caves and red rock clifs. Take a stop in the Grapčeva cave and visit a historical place more than 6 000 years old remains were found.


On the Paklinski island, a part of the Hvar archipelago, there is one of the most beautiful marinas in the Mediterranean, making the island ideal for nautical tourism. Because of advanced nautical tourism, there is an exceptional choice of local boat trips to nearby islands.

Another way of discovering the island, including the sea, is scuba diving. Take a big breath and meet the hidden diamond beauty beneath the surface of the Adriatic sea.  

Historical heritage

Do you know which island has the most historical heritage protected by UNESCO?

You are right - it is the Island of Hvar.

There are numerous fascinating museums, galleries, and monuments, preserving and presenting the most valuable of the island's historical richness.


Today’s city originated on two hills, divided by a natural, big valley called Pjaca (Croatian square. It’s the biggest square on Dalmatian coast and the center of Hvar’s life – the Cathedral is on the one side of the square and on the other a beautiful city Hall framed by Renaissance arches. For every citizen of Hvar, Pjaca is the centre of the world, a place where you can find out important and less important things, place of meeting and socializing. A place where you can enjoy the view, a place where you go to see and be seen.

The Hvar Theater, in the Arsenal building, is a monument of the highest category of national importance for the Republic of Croatia. The theater was built in 1612 on the first floor of the Arsenal during the time of the enterprising Prince Petar Semitecol. The monumental building of the Arsenal in the center of the historic center of Hvar is one of the most important naval buildings of its kind in the Mediterranean.

Let yourself get lost in the labyrinth of Hvar’s streets, exploring memories of history on the facades of the houses. Leaning against the city’s wall, not so far away from Pjaca, you will find a house with sumptuous pointed windows. That house holds the world’s record, as it was being built for half of the millennium! Only recently, after some strange historical wonders, the house finally got the roof.

Search for the little well in one of the city’s streets - it’s a rare source of pure drinking water on this dry and always thirsty island. On the well, you can find engraved Venetian lions, the symbol of a three-century rule and of a strong, glorious republic, with a closed book, which was considered a symbol of war and instability.

Don’t forget to go to the fortress Fortica, a stone beauty which has been watching over our city for over five centuries. The best time to be there is at dawn when the descending sun is painting the city and marine in golden colours and the city is changing in its dynamic and energetic night face right in front of your eyes. 

Go to the Franciscan Church on the other side of the shore. The weirdest, umbrella-like cypress in the world, which is giving protection from the sun and rain is resting and growing in that peaceful oasis. Its seed was planted by a painter who gifted the most majestic and mysterious painting of The Last Supper to the land. The size of the painting and the legends told can be compared with the most famous one – Da Vinci’s fresco in Milan.

The whole world knows about Bond, James Bond, and according to individual sources, he was born in Hvar. His name was Gian Francesco Biondi or, by Croatian language, Ivan Frane Biundiović. He was, among many other things, His Majesty's spy and wrote the first history of England. According to the legend, Ian Fleming tailored the character of the famous spy according to Biondi.

In the end, once when you are filled with Hvar, head to Pakleni islands. Its literal translation would be Hell’s islands, but don’t worry, they have nothing to do with hell. On the contrary, the legend says that the islands are small pieces of heaven that accidentally fell from the creator’s pockets and landed here, on this very spot.

Their timeless beauty does not give away any secrets: many shipwrecks in the submarine, hard and cruel life of ancient ancestors, all the unbelief and scarcity that followed the inhabitants of the time. But, nowhere in the world is the sea so clean, the crickets so noisy and cantabile, scents of wild, medicine plants so aromatic. Explore their hidden beaches, shores, and cliffs and maybe, you will find a piece of heaven where you will be alone, a piece which you will call your own.

But, remember - Hvar asks for patience and wide-open eyes to absorb everything that it is. It requires the willingness to reveal and explore secrets that no book or internet site will tell you. Indulge in the adventure and rely on your intuition. Talk to locals, let them reveal their joys and worries…. Listen without fear. You have found Hvar. And then, Hvar will find you.

Gastronomy and nightlife

Welcome to the island of healthy food, good wine and long talks with your closest friends! A masterful blend of croatian tradition with the laid back mediterranean attitude means an exclusive yet totally unpretentious feast for your body and soul. enjoy!

When it comes to Hvar's gastronomy and nightlife, there is no doubt. Carpe Diem Beach offers everything you need and more.

Be a part of our philosophy and appreciate the precious moments of today! immerse yourself into the nature, absorb the sun, smell the pines and feed your palate with our gastronomic specialities and enjoy its colours and richness of flavours.

Massages, wellness treatments, two beaches with large sunbeds and umbrellas, a pool with beautiful ocean view and an absolute feel-good program awaits you to experience and light up your day. Dip your toes into the Mediterranean sea, dig them in sandy beach or explore the wild beach.

Energize your day with various sport activities such as volleyball, SUP, diving and treat yourself with one of a kind experiences like paddling in a see through kayak. Treat yourself with pure hedonism in luxurious cabanas or feel the breeze on our sea swing.

There is no limit to opportunities so be prepaired to be left speachless with surreal parties surrounded by Hvar's amazing sunsets.

Top clubbing experience surrounded by sea and nature with unique programs, world-famous star guests and numerous suprises make every night special, leaving unique experiences and memories.


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